Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Christmas Spirit

Nine Days to go!  Are you in the Christmas spirit yet?  Since this is the season of “Love”, give a smile to all the people you see when you are out shopping.  And when you see those incredible people standing there ringing that “Bell” for the Salvation Army -- please reach deep inside your pockets and find something to give -- it truly helps.

And, you can make simple gifts to give your loved ones and friends, like the hand-painted apron above,  or offer services, like running errands, a foot rub, find something in your closet to re-gift -- we all have gifts to give, and it is not how big the gift is, it is the feeling of love that we share that is the true gift.

Find the child within you that felt “glee” at Christmas -- and give the gift of a Smile!

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