Monday, June 28, 2010


If you haven’t seen the movie, “Invictus”, directed and produced by Clint Eastwood -- the movie is  about Nelson Mandella, run, don’t walk and rent it -- the man is my hero and has been for a long time.  After spending 27 years in a cell no bigger than spreading your arms (they show it in the movie), he was released and was elected as the President of South Africa.  He  forgave his jailers, and he taught the world about compassion and forgiveness and how to lead a country by inspiring others to be the best that they can be.  His inaugural speech says it all  ....... 
He inspired his ruby team to overcome their own prejudices an dissatisfaction and to help lead South Africa back to a  unified country.
In your life and in your art or whatever you do, when you are giving your best and you are pushing yourself beyond your own limits, then, you do fly, you do win, you do paint masterpieces.
Great movie -- great actors and great sound!  I love movies that are real and that make me want more out of my life!
He shared his own words of wisdom that kept him surviving his imprisonment -- and I shall share them with you here "----------- I am the master of my fate -- I am the captain of my soul."
Thank you, Nelson Mandella -- for making me a better person.  
We are all masters -- let’s be the best in everything we do and share those gifts of love.  It is a great universe -- it is ours!
And here is a very special Thank You to all of you who are taking the time to read my blog!  When you take the time to leave me your great compliments and tell me what you see in my work -- you put a smile in my heart and I am every so grateful for the encouragement to be a great painter.  I promise to do the same.
"Summer Sails"
24 x 24 Oil on Board


  1. Hi Diane,
    I was happy to admire your art at Charlie's with my friend Susan when i visited her.
    I like very lot it...
    I'll come back to visit your blog later... Kisses

  2. Diane, it's finally raining here. A slow soft rain. Your painting takes me back to childhood when I floated my home made boats curbside and relished getting wet. Thanks for sharing.
