Friday, May 3, 2019


Being flexible can be found in so many areas of our lives.

Yoga is truly the best way to have our bodies become flexible and healthy.  The practice of yoga gives our bodies the strength and stamina to be flexible, and it feels so good.  I love stretching and the child's pose is one of my favorite poses to do on my carpet in front of my easel when I take a break.

Being flexible with family and friends when situations arise that need a "little bending" is truly a way of honoring one another.  It's the give and take that we do to keep our relationships happy and thriving that is crucial to a peaceful life.  We each have our own way of doing things, and that's the beauty of life -- we are different and yet, the same. We all just want to be loved.

In art, the flexibility to let the painting paint itself.  When you start to create a new canvas, you have an idea of what you are going to do.  When you step back, and take some time to sit and look at your work that the painting simply happens.  Then you can see what needs to be done to finish your creation.

As I am finishing a painting, I put all of the photos aside, and I simply let God and my paint brushes finish it for me.  That is where the magic begins.

I did this little study many years ago and the light from the window that catches her dress is what inspired me.  Let's face it, ballet dancers are among the most flexible people in the world.  I love watching them dance, stretch, workout and the simple task of tying their shoes, entices me to paint.

"The Dancer study)" 5 x 7 Oil on Board

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