Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Love Your Work

The magical number these days is 97 -- yes, 97!  It’s all over the Internet -- people are selling their products for $97.00 and it seems to be working!  Some of them are worth it and others -- well, let me say this -- no way!
A painting is worth what you feel it is worth -- and you know when you put your heart and soul into a painting and when you “just paint”!  The paintings of Vincent were utterly worthless to the people of Arles after he died -- they destroyed so many of them -- even his mother destroyed dozens of his paintings -- and NOW -- they sell for millions!
Value your work -- put your Soul into your work.  The value of your work comes to you when you step back and feel great about the painting right in front of you.
Love your work!

"Party Lanterns"
14 x 11, Oil on Board

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Magic

It’s summer -- it’s hot!  And inside my studio, it’s HOT with new paintings!
Magical moments are all around us -- especially during the summer months!  I am enjoying each and every one.  
Do something special for someone today --  a smile to a stranger can change their day, a call to an elderly person who is lonely can lift their spirits!  We all have such great gifts to give one another -- Wow -- it’s a great feeling to give.
I am back to blogging and will be introducing my E-Book later this month!
I found myself back in my art -- I am painting again -- and that’s a good thing.  I am just getting started -- again!
What are you doing ?  Try something new today -- even a new brush or a new color -- be Bold -- be Daring -- Be Yourself!

And have a day filled with Magical Moments!

"Time Together"
7 x 5 Oil on Board