Freedom! How special that feeling is! The world is watching as they take one miner out at a time from being trapped beneath the earth for over two months -- sixty-nine days!
I watched in awe last night as they took out the first miner from this mine -- the feelings of love and relief as their families got to see their loved ones come back to them -- so many people have been there to aid in this rescue -- but let’s go back to the two months buried beneath the earth in a small space -- I am not sure that I could survive one day -- knowing that there was a lot of rock and earth over my head -- and it looks like a big deep, dark place! Yikes! As they pull the capsule out of the ground, it brings tears to my heart seeing another miner - each person so special - find his freedom -- again!
It is a long process and so far they have 16 of the 33 miners rescued and they will probably be finished with this amazing rescue by midnight when the last miner is brought to the surface. And as we watch and wait -- it is a good time to remind ourselves of our blessings -- we have air to breathe.
I think sometimes that we forget how blessed we are -- and today is a great day to be reminded of all of the blessings that are in our lives.
I am very grateful to be an artist and have my work represented in so many galleries and I am ever so grateful for all of the people in my life.
I am posting the painting entitled, "Peace" -- it is the feeling that I wish for all of us today and every day!
With gratitude and thanks to all of the people who have aided in this amazing rescue. And, thank you for being in my life. It's a great day to celebrate LIFE!
36 x 22
Oil on Board