Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Loving Compliments

The other night, a very elegant and venerable man that I met  told me that I was a beautiful woman!  Those words certainly put a smile on my face, and  definitely gave me a loving compliment that I have been thanking God for all day long -- it must be those raw almonds that I am eating.
When you look at everything and everybody with loving eyes,  you do see the beauty.  When you are painting or see someone else’s painting, use your loving eyes -- see the beauty!
Our world is full of criticism -- we don’t need any more -- wouldn’t it just be so much better to give compliments to yourself and others.   Step back from your painting, take a break and look at your work with those loving eyes, and the parts that do not work or need a little help will show up for you.
It feels so great to receive compliments -- Give yours freely, and watch the smiles that you receive in return.
"Beach Day" (study) 12 x 12 Oil on Canvas


  1. Lovely words. Lovely painting.

    I'm going to send viewers to you. Many could benefit from visiting here...

    Have a great day!

  2. Diane I did post about you. Come check it out.

  3. Hi,
    Grâce à Susan qui a noté le lien de votre adresse sur son blog, je me suis autorisée une petite balade... et j'y ai découvert des petites merveilles d'amour puisque c'est avec des yeux remplis d'amour que vous avez fait naître ces chef d'oeuvres... et c'est avec amour que je les contemple. Bravo! je reviendrai vous voir.
