Friday, February 25, 2011

Red Fridays

It’s Friday and the day to wear RED to support our troops!  Sometimes being a Hero means being there for the people that you love.
Life has a beautiful way of bringing smiles to us --- in so many wonderful ways!
Here’s to a day filled with smiles and the people we love!
"Friday Afternoon"
8 x 10, Oil on Board

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Teachers come to us when the “student” is ready.  We are all students -- students in life and in art and in love.  Life is a learning experience.
And art, like golf or music or dancing, is always a learning experience.  Sometimes the message comes from a book or a movie or a song.  And, sometimes, the teacher is yourself.
When I reach a place where I am not sure how to get the result on the canvas that I want, I sit down and go back through my older paintings and see what I love about them.  Often times, I am amazed at the painting and wonder -- HOW DID I DO THAT?????
This is one of those paintings!!!!
"On The Rocks"
12 x 12, Oil on Board

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beautiful Moments

Love can come to us the tiniest ways -- mine started with a beautiful hummingbird who just couldn’t wait for me to hang the feeder that I had just filled.
He was happy to eat as I held the feeder -- two inches from my face.
It was such a magical moment.  I was smiling from all over and from within.  What a thrill to share a few moments with such a beautiful creature.
Life is full of beautiful moments!  What are yours?

"Mother's Gentle Kiss"
24 x 24 Oil on Canvas

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Presidents Day

There’s a place where we all long to go -- a place that puts a smile on our faces and love in our hearts -- a place where Peace and Tranquility abounds, and Joy and Laughter are in the air.
You just have to stop -- take a breath and recognize that this is heaven!   And, smile because isn’t that what we are all longing for?  It is here -- it is right in front of you, and the more you find it, the more it is there.
It envelops you and wraps the glow of love around you.  We have each found our own heaven -- many times!!!
It is when we stop to recognize the specialness of our moments and the people around us that we find our Heaven!
And that is what the Beach does for me.
Have a Marvelous Monday celebrating Presidents Day!

"Sisters" 30 x 24 Oil on Board
This is my newest in the Lantern Series of paintings and is available in giclee!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Smiles are Magical

Having Fun and “clowning around” brings out the child within us and that is where our creative energies come out to play!
And laughing, isn’t that more fun than anything?  I love to laugh until I cry -- and I am putting that “joy” into my art -- I dance when I paint and I even sing -- okay, I am still a child and that is okay with me.  My audience at this point is my cat, Ollie -- who makes me laugh all the time -- cats -- they just know how to relax and have fun -- we can learn a lot from cats.
So, here’s to “clowning around” and having fun and creating joy in our world.
I have come up with a new word -- “Smirkles” -- which is smiles and giggles put together -- and that definitely puts a smile on my face.
Happy Days! 
"Parade Clowns"
30 x 20, Oil on Linen
From the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let your Star Shine!

There is a Power deep inside Us -- yearning to come out.
It is our life’s essence -- our raison d’etre -- our reason for being!
When we let go, and let the God in us shine --
That is when our stars shine!
We are all Stars -- go and find yours!
And Smile, have Fun and just let go!
Have a powerful Day!

"In My Grandmother's Garden"
24 x 24 Oil on Linen

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day -- the Day of Love.
I wish us all a day filled with lots of smiles, hugs, chocolates and flowers.  My neighbor gave me some fresh violets from her garden this morning -- how are they even blooming this time of year -- I haven’t seen these pretty little flowers in a long time -- they are beautiful and what a pleasant surprise!
On this day of Love, take some time and call a friend and tell them how much you appreciate them -- give a hug to a neighbor, kiss your cat, and do something special for someone --  and remember the homeless people who would be happy with just a smile or a warm meal.
Valentine’s Day isn’t just about the candy and flowers -- although they are quite wonderful to receive -- this day is truly about sharing yourself -- sharing Love.
As I paint today, I am going to pour all of my love into my paintings, knowing that I am so blessed to be a painter and even more blessed that people receive joy and happiness from my art!
Thank you.  I wish us all Love today and every day.
30 x 30 Oil on Linen

Friday, February 11, 2011


February is the month of Love!
    Love opens the door to discover our highest potential!
   It let’s our hearts soar and brings us joy.
   Love is all around us -- it is the beauty that we see in our world
Love is what drives us to be our best, 
and to see the best in everyone!
Love is the power to be whatever we want to be.
 Find love in all that you do, in all that you see, and share that love with everyone around you.  
      Have a day filled with chocolates and hugs and smiles!
     Here's to every day being Valentine's Day!

"Summer Love"
12 x 12 Oil on Board