Happy Valentine’s Day -- the Day of Love.
I wish us all a day filled with lots of smiles, hugs, chocolates and flowers. My neighbor gave me some fresh violets from her garden this morning -- how are they even blooming this time of year -- I haven’t seen these pretty little flowers in a long time -- they are beautiful and what a pleasant surprise!
On this day of Love, take some time and call a friend and tell them how much you appreciate them -- give a hug to a neighbor, kiss your cat, and do something special for someone -- and remember the homeless people who would be happy with just a smile or a warm meal.
Valentine’s Day isn’t just about the candy and flowers -- although they are quite wonderful to receive -- this day is truly about sharing yourself -- sharing Love.
As I paint today, I am going to pour all of my love into my paintings, knowing that I am so blessed to be a painter and even more blessed that people receive joy and happiness from my art!
Thank you. I wish us all Love today and every day.
30 x 30 Oil on Linen