Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing us all a day filled with love, laughter, great food, family and FUN!
My life is filled with so many blessings, and I want to thank you for appreciating my art and for being in my life.
Thanksgiving is a time to look at your life and be grateful for everything you have!
With gratitude,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Art of Giving

The holidays are here again -- how wonderful it is to share time with your family.  Families are our core and they love us for who we are -- there is no better love than that!
So before you get carried away with the holiday rush, take a few minutes and be grateful for all that you have right now, and remember the people who don’t seem to have as much.
There are lots of homeless people here in the United States that could use some of our help -- the smallest of even a smile will bring them joy!   Volunteer to help out at a shelter or bring some food to a needy family  -- they can always use those clothes in your closet that you never wear!  It feels great to give!
And it starts with today -- give a smile to everyone you meet!
"A Story For My Brother" (study)
9 x 12 Oil on Board

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Art of Learning

There is always something new to learn!  I saw a public bus that had been painted white driving down the street yesterday and the sign on the front said -- “Driver Training”.  I thought -- wow -- that’s how you learn to drive a public bus.

In art -- there is always something new to learn - and it could seem as difficult as learning to safely drive a public bus.  And perhaps it is!
Without learning we do not grow -- and sometimes this can be challenging and scary -- yet, we have to walk through that door with our hearts and minds wide open and let go!
We can all get stuck in doing things over and over the same way -- and that’s safe and comfortable -- so today -- try something new -- a new brush, a new technique or a new color!  Be Bold -- Be Daring -- Be Magnificent!
And remember -- Have Fun!
Today -- take a few minutes and pray for the people of Haiti who survived their earthquake -- all of those people who are still living in makeshift tents in “Tent City” -- and now a huge rain storm is headed there way -- pray that they find comfort and a dry place to be,  and that there are no mud slides and no cholera!  
And, then, remember how fortunate we are here in the United States with our warm houses and our “creature comforts”.
Thank you for being in my life.
12 x 12, Oil on Board

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans' Day

Today we honor and pay tribute to all of our veterans who serve our country, both past and present.  And today we recognize the many sacrifices by family members! 

For the past year, I have been working on a series of paintings to honor our military.  The series is entitled, "Coming Home", and captures that very special moment when a soldier returns home from overseas to his family.

There will be several paintings in this series.  The first painting is the study, entitled, "Daddy's Home", 8 x 10, Oil on Canvas, (shown above) which has sold.  The larger painting is a 20 x 24 and  will be posted on my web site next week.  It will be available as a special limited edition giclee.  A Giclee fine art print is a color reproduction on museum quality canvas using the latest and most sophisticated technology.  This first edition of Artist's Proofs is a highly desirable edition and will be hand-embellished by me.  All of the giclees will be signed and numbered, and each giclee will be accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.  

This is an important series for me and one that touches my heart.  As a former "Army Wife", I can appreciate the challenges of sacrifices of the families when the soldiers are serving overseas.

Thirty-five percent of the profit from the sale of these giclees will go directly to help our military rebuild their lives and help them find their way back home.  

On this Veteran's Day, I wish to thank all of the people in our country who have served us so valiantly.  I am honored by the response to this study and thrilled to be able to contribute to the rebuilding of our returning soldiers' lives.

For more information, please feel free to contact me.  The giclees will be available on my web site next week.

It is my intention to contribute to our military, to help them rebuild their lives,  and give them hope for a better future.

Thank you.  Today, let us all pray for Peace.

"Daddy's Home"(study)
8 x 10 Oil on Canvas

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Beach

There is a special bond with a mother and daughter -- add the beach and magic happens!
What a special gift -- the gift of love.

"My Daughter"
10 x 8 Oil on Board

Monday, November 8, 2010

Isn't it amazing that people just "walk" into your life -- then they are there and you wonder how did I live without them -- they are your "friends".  They love you for who you are and they are there for you when you need them the most.   I treasure my friends, my sisters, and my family -- I know that they love me even when I have forgotten to love myself.

Each day I remind myself to smile as I walk into a store, and especially while driving my car -- we all can look a little too serious!!!  Now, I just smile, knowing that my life is great, filled with great friends and family and that I am so blessed to be a painter -- and I am so very grateful.

Thank you for being in my life.
Are you smiling?
12 x 12 Oil on Board

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Praying for the people of Haiti

Today -- take a few minutes and pray for the people of Haiti who have survived their  earthquake -- all of those people who are still living in makeshift tents in “Tent City” !   And, now a huge storm called Tomas bringing heavy rains is headed there way -- pray that they find comfort and a dry place to be,  and that there are no mud slides and no cholera!  
And, then, remember how fortunate we are here in the United States with our warm houses and our “creature comforts”.

Thank you for being in my life.  Here's to Peaceful Places!

"A Peaceful Place"
40 x 40 Oil on Linen
Private Collection

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Beach

The colors of the beach are forever etched in my heart.  I have just returned from a “much-needed” trip to the ocean -- where my soul is rejuvenated and my heart is comforted.
As I stood on the wet sand with the water caressing my feet, I knew I was in heaven -- 
Now, it’s time to paint those incredible moments with models on the beach.  Until then, here is:
12 x 12 Oil on Canvas

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


As I stood in my hot shower last night, my mind wandered, once again, to all of the miners who had been trapped for 69 days -- without hot water, without a shower.  I am so grateful for the little things in life -- the pleasures that we take for granted -- the ones that bring us pleasure and comfort.  
When we face our challenges and let’s face it -- we all have them - we realize the importance of recognizing how we can grow through the experience.  As artists, we can start with being grateful for our creativity, our hands, our studios, our paints, and the opportunity to paint!!!!!
The rescue of the miners was indeed a miracle -- a miracle based on FAITH!.
Artists need to have that faith in themselves to create our magical paintings.
Smile and feel the joy and the love that this world has to offer!
"Red Wine"
7 x 5 Oil on Board

Monday, November 1, 2010


When we struggle in our lives --and let’s face it -- life does bring us some challenges --  especially as artists --  and then we doubt ourselves -- well, that is the time for growth, for introspection, for taking time to remember why we paint and then figure out the lessons we need to learn.
I used to tell my artists friends when they were lamenting about their lives -- I would remind them that we were not miners -- and our dilemmas were insignificant compared to other people’s lives.  It doesn’t feel that way -- 
It is the fundamentals in life that keep us going and growing -- in any walk of life -- there are basics to learn and to practice every day in order to be our best.  I think of the miners trapped for 69 days in a cave over a half mile in the ground and I am reminded how blessed I am.  The bathroom issues alone would have driven me crazy.
Life brings us so many special moments and often times -- surprises!  You have just got to love those surprises as they are the moments that make our lives fun!
Late afternoon light is my favorite light and I hung this very small hammock between two of my trees -- the light that comes from behind the hammock just sparkles!  
This is a quick study for my series on “Love”!

7 x 5 Oil on Board